Friday, November 7, 2008

The weekly menu I bought from Menus4Moms said it was Alfredo Rotini night. So I gathered up my ingredients that I had purchased previously and...oh wait. Where's the alfredo sauce? Did I forget to buy alfredo sauce? Was it even on the shopping list? I check the list. Yes. It was the first thing on there. This is why I hate making dinner.

Me placing a frantic phone call to John.
"Honey, could you please buy some alfredo sauce on your way home? It's by the spaghetti sauce.
I need twenty eight ounces. Thanks. And could you do it like pronto since this has to bake for 35 minutes?"

Making dinner always creates stress in the household.

So the Alfredo Rotini didn't turn out so great. Bella didn't like it. And she's very opinionated and vocal like her mom. I probably won't make this again.

So lets talk about dinner shall we?

How many ate it? 2 out of 5
Did it make John sick?  No.
Did you serve a vegetable? Yes, green beans again. We're out of corn.
Did you have bread with it? Yes, that's what kept the kids from starving.
What about canned peaches? Yes.

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